Sunday, 27 February 2011

How To Do French Menicure At Home

A French manicure is one of the styles of polishing the nails while white paint is applied to the tips of the fingernails, and the rest of the nails are given a pink coat or painted with sheer polish that is colored either pale pink or very light beige. The French manicure is very good for short nails and nails that have a moderate length.
Before you start giving your nails a French manicure, you should have 4 types of nail polisher:

1- Base Coat
2- Color Coat (say linght pink)
3- Top Coat
4- White Coat (say white polish)

Now other things that would be needed nail polish remover, cuticle pusher, emery board, cotton, hand and nail moisturizer. Follow the steps below to achieve French manicure:

1- First remove any polisher you have on your nails.
2- Apply some olive oil on your nails to soften your nails.
3- File your nails with emery board.
4- Now soften your cuticles by putting your nail in warm water for 10 minutes. Now remove cuticles with cuticle pusher.
5- Apply hand and nail moisturizer to soft your hands and nails.
6- Put on a base coat on your nails only one coat.
7- Now apply white coat on tip of your nails with extra care and let it dry.
8- Apply the color coat you want say pink, give only one stroke.
9- Now put top coat. Let it dry.

Now your hands look stylish and beautiful.

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