Some are selling green tea in a pill, hoping to be the ones to invent the next miracle weight loss pill.
Here are a number of facts:
- Green tea has 0 calories
- Green tea contains catechins. These are anti-oxidants that reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, cancer and they support your immune system
- Green tea has caffeine. Caffeine causes you to become alert and helps you endure longer while working out
- One study says that catechins enhance exercise-induced abdominal fat loss
- The University of Chicago researched epigallocatechins, a part of green tea, and showed that blood levels of glucose, lipids and cholesterol are reduced. It also reduced fat deposits under the skin and in the abdomin.
- Another study has showed that green tea enhances the metabolism of glucose and lipids, which is beneficial to your weight loss.
As stated above, you need to drink a lot of green tea. When you take green tea extracts, however, you get a much greater concentration than you would by drinking green tea in its liquid form.
One particular green tea weight loss study showed that taking green tea or oolong tea extract, increased the energy usage of the body by about 4%. Again, this was due to the thermogenesis effect.
In another study, a group of people was given caffeine and another group of people was given green tea so the thermogenesis effects could be compared.
It turned out that the green tea group had higher levels of thermogenesis.
No studies have ever been done on the long term effects of green tea weight loss.
Naturally, as with any other weight loss supplement, you cannot expect green tea to realize all your weight loss for you. When you are living on a steady diet of cookies, white bread, soda and other stuff that's bad for you, you will not get any good results just because you're dinking green tea.
It is just another supplement. You, yourself, are the only one who is responsible for your own weight loss!
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